Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Game Over

I've been saying for along time that I need to beat all the games that I haven't finished yet,but now I think I'm finally going to do it.I was recently on some ADHD medication that affected my desire to play games(evil stuff,I know)and as a result I ended up selling off 2 thirds of my game collection .Luckily I was still competent enough to only sell games that I didn't really play and kept the ones that I either do play or really like.So I've decided to go through and beat them all,so I thought I would make a list of what I have,what I've finished and what I've yet to finish.So here it is:
1)Halo:Combat Evolved__Well I've beat this game literally about 50 times or more on all difficulties and I'm still not tired of it.Kinda makes it hard to finish other games for the first time when I'm finishing Halo for the 100th.

2)Halo 2__Ahh,Halo 2,the child that I once adored but later ended up not really liking.I've only beat Halo 2 like 2 times and that was all that I could stand from it's weak(compared to Halo:CE)single player.Unfortuately it's mutliplayer game is also weak AND broken AND unbalanced.The combination of the "difficulty medals" being to taken out to the inclusion of bosses to the ugly graphical glitching to the brokenness and overall user unfriendliness of the weapons(they all worked fine in the firt game and now they all suck) really show that Bungie did what a developer should never do:they tried to fix what wasn't broken.

3)Doom 3__Well this I haven't finished yet.Though I do intend to finish it,the reason that I didn't already(I started it and got pretty far into it)is because of how frikkin' boring the game is.Here is a summary of the game:go into dark room,demon appears,kill demon,go into dark room,demon appears,kill demon,go into dark room,demon appears,kill demon,REPEAT PROCESS.It has online multiplayer but I haven't really tried it.

4)Fable__Hmmmm,well I'm really not sure what to say about this one.I played into it a little,a very little,I barely got out of the training camp-temple-thingy.I like the game,I just have a hard time playing games that give too much freedom(which is the same reason I've never even come close to finishing any of the GTA games)I always end up running around losing focus and then shortly there after,losing interest.But I will finish it this time.

5)Fuzion Frenzy__Now as soon as you stop laughing,allow me to explain why this is on the list.I recently(in the last 6 months or so that is)bought this game for my wife,my son and I to play because my wife has had me playing the demo version on the Halo:Combat Evolved game disc for years now.Seeing as how this is a party game and really not a whole lot of beating to be done I'll just move on.

6)Brute Force__Brute Force,the venerable Halo killer.Looking back,I really don't see where the comparisons between this and Halo came from since they are totally different games.Other than the fact that the guy that made the HUD for Halo also made the HUD for Brute Force.Since I already finished the game there isn't much to say.I will say that the game was pretty fun at times,it was just plagued with no story(at least not one worth paying attention to)lame enemies and a bunch of not-all-that-cool worlds to explore.If done right a sequel could be cool though.

7)Project Gotham Racing 2__PGR 2,my favorite racing game (and racing games are one of my 2 favorite genres),this was my first true Xbox Live love.I spent more nights than I can count, up late racing on this game.This is also where I made all my first friends on Xbox Live.I finshed the Kudos World Series,but I didn't finish it on every difficulty to unlock the last badass cars.Unfortunately,Action Replay made that goal even more distant since it gave me all those cars immediately.Sure,Forza may be more realistic and give you the option of customizing , tweaking and even painting your car,but PGR3 gives you that feeling of pure adrenaline that you would think would come from driving a 600hp,2500lb car.It is by far the most fun racing game on Xbox.

8)Burnout Revenge__Well there really isn't a whole lot to say about this one because I do play it,I'm just still working on it.Great game though.

9)Rallisport Challenge__Well although I'm almost finished with this one,I haven't played it in a very long time.It is the best rally racing series on Xbox and,although all I've played of the sequel is the demo,I still might buy it when I finish the first one.Even my friend Josh likes it and he's not really into racing games.

10)Enclave__This was Starbreeze Studios first Xbox game.To this day it has some of the most beautiful graphics seen on Xbox.I did beat the game,only I used a cheat so it doesn't really count.I do plan on playing back through the whole game without help.It also had a LIGHT and DARK campaign which gave a new set of fighters to choose from depending on which you chose.The developers would later use an evolved version of the games engine to power other Xbox games,which brings me to the next game....

11)The Chronicles of Riddick:Escape from Butcher Bay__This was perhaps the first time in history where a game that was based on a movie was actually much better than the movie.Riddick perfectly melded 3 different genres into one sweet package:first person action/shooting,stealth and platforming.Everything works so well in conjunction with one another that you don't even notice it.And the graphics,in my opinion,are still unmatched on Xbox.This was also one of the most brutal and all around adult games I've ever played.I'll never forget walking Riddick up to a pair of huge doors that had "No F***ing in the recreation area" spray painted on them.This game really acts like what you might think a real prison would be like,inmates having sex,inmates killing inmates,guards killing inmates,inmates killing guards,inmates trying to breakout....you name it,it's in here.Great game.

12)Soul Calibur 2__BEST.FIGHTING GAME.EVER.PERIOD.I've been playing Soul Calibur 3 since tuesday when I bought the new OPM.I must say that it is not as good as Soul Calibur 2.SC2 is better in graphics,gameplay and control.It seems that Namco tried to fix what wasn't broke in SC3 and jacked with the game engine.Now it doesn't feel the same.Not to mention that the graphics don't look as good as even the PS2 version of SC2.Guess I'll be playing SC2 for awhile.

13)Dead or Alive 3__Since I was a fan of DOA2 on Dreamcast,I really enjoyed DOA3 on Xbox.The graphics were amazing,the new characters (especially Christie)were awesome and the addition of the beautiful CG endings all came together to make a great xbox launch game.

14)Dead or Alive Ultimate__Ahhh,my new found love.I've been addicted to trying to unlock all the costumes lately as well as playing online.I haven't really played much of DOA1 but it's more of a novelty than anything else.Really great game though.

15)Ninja Gaiden__Ninja Gaiden,the single greatest action/adventure game of all time.I have beat this 20+ hour epic three times going on more.All the unlockable stuff keeps me coming back for more and the wondeful action and platforming make sure that the game never gets dull.This game ties Halo:CE for my favorite Xbox game ever.

16)Forgotten Realms:Demon Stone__This is one that I haven't finished yet.I played very briefly into it and enjoyed the little bit I did play.It's made by the same guys that did the two EA "Lord of the Rings" games and plays pretty much the same.The only thing I noticed immediately that I didn't really like was the fixed camera system.Maybe it can make that a forgivable offense if the rest of the game turns out to be top knotch.

17)Splinter Cell:Pandorra Tomorrow__Surprisingly I have yet to finish this game as well.I got almost to the end(I think)but never really finished it.It's an amazing game,I remember how amazed I was at the graphics when I first bought it.It has a better story and better missions than the first game and the shooting is better.Also the new abilities that were added with this installment were great.Definately need to finish this one.

18)Prince of Persia__Ahhh...the Prince of Persia,one of the most overhyped games I ever played.I still get a headache when I think of ALL the game mags and media that wrapped their lipps tightly around this games ass.Quotes like "one of the best games ever" or "if it's not the best action/adventure game ever,it's close" still haunt me to this day.Especially after playing games like Ninja Gaiden and God of War in all their superiority.I never finished PoP because the repetitiveness was driving me insane.I'm not really sure if I want to finish it either,maybe I should go sell it to the game store so as to get rid of any temptation.

19)Kakuto Chojin__WHAT!?!?!You know you have this game too....and like it!!Seriously though,I bought this game back when the only good games on Xbox were Halo,Halo and ummm...oh yeah,Halo.Oh and PGR.And DOA3.But that was it.At the time I wasn't much of a DOA fan(who wants to play a fighting game where they get beat by their wife all the time?),but being the fighting game junky that I am I decided to pick up this game.As we all now know it sucked royally(who could forget the sound that came after every landed hit,"CRACK,CRACK,CRACK",sounded like you were breaking every bone in their body)and the only reason I still have it is because of the recall.

20)Airforce Delta Storm__This was an Xbox launch game that got abused pretty hard by the media even though it was actually a pretty fun game.I got all the way to the last mission but never beat it,I guess now is as good a time as any.I also had unlocked almost all the planes(there were like 70 or 80 of them).Just another example of the media not always knowing what consumers like.

21)Quantum Redshift__Now this was a quality game that was overlooked by the press AND the consumer.Beautiful graphics:check,great vehicles and weapons:check,awesome tracks:check,insane speeds:double check,good character progression:check,developed by the ORIGINAL makers of Wipeout:check.I finished this game,I think.If by finished you mean I unlocked all the vehicles, then yes I did.Great game though,if you like futuristic racers then you should definately check this out,it makes Wipeout Pure suck it's balls.(thats right Matt,I said it!!!WHATEVA!!!)

22)Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast__Jedi Outcast was the reigning champ of good Star Wars based games before KOTOR and Battlefront came along,it still is in alot of ways.I got pretty far but never finished it due to alot of directionless gaming,I would spend I dont know how long just trying to figure out where to go,and this happened alot.Other than that though the game is really cool.

23)Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic__BEST.STAR WARS GAME.EVER.PERIOD.I have no worthy excuse as to why I have yet to finish this great game.All I can say is that I immediately resume finishing it.Please,oh great Star Wars Gods,please forgive this shameful act in which I have committed.

24)The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowwind__If you thought the virtual world in GTA:SA was big ,you obviously haven't played the monster that is Morrowwind.Basically a virtual continent,Morrowwind is so vast and so open ended(no GTA DID NOT invent the sandbox concept)that you can either follow the story line or not.At any point in the game you can take up a job in a small town(or a vast city,your choice) and actually live a virtual life in side the game.Unfortunately I have never done well with non-linear games so I didn't really make it far into the game,but I still love it just the same.The sequel,Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion,which is headed to the Xbox360,is looking to be an awesome game.If they can manage to fix the broken battle system from the first game then everything should turn out just fine.Here's to hoping.

25)Panzer Dragoon Orta__Another sleeper hit,Panzer Dragoon Orta is the sequel to the beloved Sega Saturn game.I never really went into this game for who knows why.I think I might start tomorrow though.I also would like to unlock the entire Saturn version that is nestled away in the game.

26)Sega GT 2002__Back when the Xbox first came out there really weren't alot of quality racers besides PGR.And if you wanted a Gran Turismo style game then Sega GT was the game you played.I played the hell out of this game.The only thing that really plagued this game was the control(which is the same thing that ruined the Dreamcast Sega GT),it was miles better than the Dreamcast version ,but it still wasn't up to par with games like PGR and GT.It was good for what it was though,which was a in-between game(in-between PGR and PGR2,Forza that is).

27)Sega GT Online__Unfortunatley for this game ,it was too little too late.Even though it was basically an online version of Sega GT 2002,you couldn't transfer your garage of cars that you worked so hard and so long to get,over to it.Which in my opinion is what really killed it before it could even go anywhere.Not to mention that the graphics were looking pretty tired by the time this version came out.

28)Otogi:Myth of Demons__Is it just me or does Sega seem to be good at making games that are sleeper hits?Once again we have a game that is truly a work of technological art.Beautiful stylized Japanese graphics,wonderful gameplay,deep rich Japanese heritage and a great story.This game really makes you feel like you are taking part in one of those great asian films like "Hero","House of Flying Daggers" or "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon".

29)Guilty Gear X2#Reload The Midnight Carnival__The very best looking 2D fighter around.Really odd characters,lightning fast gameplay ,responsive controls and XboxLive support.Great game.

30)Beyond Good and Evil__Now this is very unique game.I didn't really play into it very far,but my friend did and he really liked it.I liked what I did play though.It's like an action/adventure/picture taking game.Another fine example of a sleeper hit game.

Well that does it for my Xbox games,next time I do this I'll do my Gamecube games and then PS2.I guess it's a good thing that I recently sold off around 50 or so of my Xbox games,otherwise this list would've been alot longer.Well looks like I've got my work cut out for me if I'm to finish all these games anytime soon.Off to gaming I go.

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