Sunday, May 20, 2012

Destroying the Industry One Game at a Time

I like to look at all the big gaming sites so as to get a well rounded enlightenment of whats going on in the industry.I like alot ,especially for their video reviews.The video reviews are cool b/c they give you a good look at the game while the reviewer describes their experience with it.Well I have noticed a pattern in these that disturbs me,reviewer Alex Navarro is a MORON.It is people like him that actually cause good games to not sell well.Alot of people depend on the game reviews that they read to determine if they buy a game or not.I have noticed that not everyone is cut out to be a game reviewer b/c not only do you have to like playing games ALOT,but you also have to make sure that you dont become OVERLY CRITICAL either.The reason I say this is that if a reviewer becomes this way then he is ruining the games chances to sell more than it might have .They have to realize that MOST PEOPLE DONT PLAY GAMES FOR A LIVING AND THEREFORE ARENT AS CRITICAL ABOUT THE GAMES THAT THEY DO PLAY.The ONLY members of the gaming press that I believe have consistently given fair reviews throughout the years without being overly critical(of course even they have had a few blips in my opinion,though not too many) is EGM.But every other mag or website falls into the overly critical category.The reason that I specifically pointed out Gamespot's Alex Navarro is b/c yesterday I watched his video review of Advent Rising and was totally digusted at his attitude.Now first,let me just say that from what I have read at other sites the game is not perfect,not at all,but,the things that he was whining about were nitpics at best.From what I saw the game looked pretty damned cool.Plus all these sites and mags always say that a "5" is average,but then they preceed to rag the shit out of the game like they gave it a "1" or something.Then today I wanted to watch a video review of Star Wars:Episode3:Revenge of the Sith,and low and behold it was Alex Navarro again ragging the shit out of a good(not great,but good)game.Now this is the second time in two days that this a**hole has basically spit in the face of the developers that worked their asses off to make these games.Now I read a bunch of reader reviews(which I will trust more than someone who gets paid for it)on the Star Wars game and they all said that it was a better than average (some even said great)game.I have even noticed that the gaming media is even making me overly critical.So I decided not to watch or read any reviews of games before I have tried them myself.So my advice to the gaming media is to watch their step b/c ultimately the rise and fall of good developers is partly up to them.

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