Friday, May 18, 2012

After the Dust Has Settled

I have been watching all the E3 info closely all week , as I am sure everyone else has.I have watched all 3 of the press conferences and I liked Microsoft's the most w/ the big N a close second and Sony a VERY distant third.The reason:Sony's was a total tech specs biography.I could have watched some shit like that on the Discovery channel.They spent the whole time talking about how powerful the Cell is and how powerful the GPU is and this and that.Then they showed all 4 of the games for it.Now I wont denie that the Killzone2 video was VERY impressive and if the graphics actually look like that I will be very impressed.BUT,I am a lot skeptical about if they were real time or not.Microsoft's was alot cooler than Sony's by a long shot.I loved how they kicked it off by showing a crap load of quality titles coming to the current Xbox.The sheer amount of features that the 360 has is just crazy.It will connect to EVERYTHING including PSP.Hell, my mom told me today that she is gonna buy one when it comes out.It definately has Sony beat when it comes to games in the next gen.Mistwalker is cranking out two new RPGs and then there is the support from Square-Enix and the Final Fantasy franchise now on Xbox360.Bill Gates stating that Halo3 would launch around the same time as PS3.I could go on and on but I think im just gonna end it on this note:this past generation saw Microsoft with the most powerful hardware but not the total support from third parties that Sony had,fast forward to now and it seems that the tables have turned,Sony has the most powerful hardware yet Microsoft has the stronger support from developers and third parties.The times,they are a changin'.

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