Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last night,after my curiosity finally got the best of me,I downloaded Flower.Flower is a game developed by ThatGameCompany (makers of PSN exclusive Flow) exclusively for the Playstation Network.The gameplay consists of you flying a flower pedal around using the SixAxis motion controls and controling wind by hitting any button on the controller.Holding a button down to make the wind blow causes your flower pedal to move faster.As you play you'll notice other flowers that will bloom once you fly into them,thus making your "tail" of flower pedals longer.

Flower in game screenshot

The game has quite possibly the "prettiest" graphics I've ever seen in a game.Rolling vistas with beautiful bright colors make for a visually arresting experience.The SixAxis controls are spot-on and make flying your pedals around feel second nature.Sometimes you'll notice areas where the grass appears to be dead,but it can be brought back to a lively green by simply flying into all the flowers surrounding it.

Windmills at sunset

The sound also adds to the game's relaxing feel with it's slow and soft tones.Some games (think Braid) use classical music to achieve a calm, relaxing feel,but Flower enlists a more modern slow sound.While most of the tracks provide the same overall feel,they are all unique in their own right.

Mountain area

I instantly fell in love with this game the moment I started playing it.Flower is the very definition of a casual and relaxing game.Even my wife,who very rarely plays games,was able to pick it up and immediately have fun with it,which is a testiment to it's broad appeal.Although there is an underlying story in Flower,it never throws it in your face.

the coming storm

This is one the best downloadable games I've played on any system and deserves to be played by anyone who enjoys games.So if you have a PS3 connected to PSN and an extra $9.99 in the bank,then you owe it to yourself as a gamer to check it out.

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