Day 1 of E3 2012 has officially come to a close and I couldn't be
happier. The one game that I was most interested in seeing - Halo 4 -
had an amazing showing. The overall response seems to be extremely
positive, even from non-Halo players. 343i has seemingly done the
impossible and created what appears to not just be a good Halo
game, but one that has the potential to be the best yet. And this is
coming from a seasoned Bungie fan. Of course, it could just be all the
excitement from finally getting to see the game in action, but never the
less, what was shown blew me away. So to make sure we get off on the
right foot, if you haven't already watched the new halo 4 gameplay
footage, click on the video below:
Amazing, right? The first thing that I noticed were the graphics, this is easily one of the best looking games I've ever seen. The amount of detail in the Master Chief is insane. It's hard to believe that this is running on the Reach engine, and not because I think that Reach was a bad looking game, quite the opposite. But because this game looks so much better. If the whole game looks that good then we are in for an incredibly visceral experience.

In the video we see the largest ship in the UNSC's fleet, the UNSC Infinity, being pulled into a Forerunner Dyson Sphere, or shield world. These are artificial planets created by the Forerunners to protect themselves from the effects of the Halo ring's blast. Similar to a Russian Matryoshka doll, these shield worlds are essentially planets encased in a giant shell. Once inside, the world looks like any other with natural terrain and weather.
The Master Chief is already inside the shield world when the UNSC
Infinity is pulled in and watches as the ship calls out for help before
crashlanding. We have to assume that the Master Chief and Cortana came
to be inside the shield world in the same way that the Infinity did,
considering we see them apparently being pulled in at the end of Halo 3.
After watching the ship go by, a large sphere appears above the Chief -
presumably cloaked before - and races off after the ship. This appears
to be some form of Foreunner technology left to look after the shield
world, similar to how the Sentinels and Monitors were the caretakers of
the Halo rings in previous games.
Next we see the Chief looking out over a cliff as Covenant forces
rush toward the crashed Infinity. We also see the large Forerunner
sphere hovering motionless above the ship. How the Covenant are already
on this shield world is a mystery. The only thing I can think of is that
in the previous Halo 4 footage we learned that Cortana wakes Master
Chief from Cryo sleep because the Covenant are boarding what's left of
their ship. So maybe they followed them here. Either way, these Covenant
didn't get the memo that the war is over.
One of the first things you notice that makes Halo 4 stand out
amongst it's predecessors is the heads up display (HUD). Previous Halo
games have slowly inched toward this, but Halo 4 really makes you feel
like a head inside a helmet. The outer edges of the helmet can be easily
seen and there is a slight glow around the edges of the faceplate.
Something I really thought was cool is how Cortana - along with other
characters - shows up in a small window on the inside of your HUD when
talking to you. This really helps you get a feel for who you're
communicating with rather than them simply being a voice in your head.
The first combat encounter of the demo really impressed me for a
number of reasons. First is the way the Covenant troops are acting
toward each other before spotting the Master Chief. In the books the
hierarchy of the Covenant is explained in great detail, and not just
rank, but also how the different races interact each other. The
Sangheili (Elites) tolerate the Unggoy (Grunts) because despite their
complete cowardice, they are deadly in numbers and useful as cannon
fodder. The kig-yar (Jackals), who were a spacefaring race of pirates
before being bullied into the Covenant, also don't care for the cowardly
Grunts. This plays out in the first encounter when we see a Jackal run
over and bump into one the Grunts, followed by the Elite hitting another
Grunt in the back as if beckoning him forward.
The next thing I noticed was the way it looked while scoped with the
Battle Rifle. Immediately noticable is that the scoped area is square,
rather than the typical circle, which makes sense considering the scope
on the Battle Rifle in Halo 4 is square. Another new addition is that
the HUD space outside of the scoped area is darkened. In previous Halo
games this area was simply blurred. The darkening actually made it feel
more like the scope was a function of the HUD compared to previous
games. After taking out the two Grunts and the Jackal, the Elite pulls
out his Energy Sword and charges toward the Chief, only to be vaporized
moments before reaching him.
After making his way through more of the dense jungle, the Chief
comes upon what could be mistaken as robot dogs. But they do have a
name: Promethean Crawlers.
These Crawlers appear to come in packs and seem farely easy to kill,
exploding into a gush of orange goo upon death. Cortana assumes that
these must be some form of defensive AI's, something akin to the
Sentinels from previous games. We also get to see the Chief use the
Assault Rifle for the first time. It's doesn't sound as puny as in the
AR in Reach and Halo 3, although the 32 round magazine means that it
still isn't Halo: CE's MA5B.
Immediately after the encounter with the Crawlers, the Chief is
pounced on by a bipedal creature that is aesthetically similar to the
Crawlers, and apparently has a orange glowing skull behind it's helmet.
These are called Promethean Knights. This is presumably what
vaporized the Elite earlier as it appears to have some form of energy
rifle on one arm and what looks to be an energy blade on the other arm
that it uses to knock the Chief on his rump. The Knight then seems to
spawn another creature from it's back. This enemy is known as a
Promethean Watcher. It is a flying enemy that provides support for the
Knight by firing an energy weapon at the Chief and providing some sort
of shield for the Knight.
In what was one of the more interesting moments of the video, the
Chief attempts to throw a Plasma grenade at the Knight only to have the
Watcher snatch it out of the air and sling it back at the Chief. Upon
killing the Knight, it vaporizes in the same fashion as the Elite had
earlier. The Watcher appears to flee after the Knight is killed. Cortana
informs the Chief that the Knight dropped something which turns out to
be the energy rifle that was attached to it's arm. When picked up, the
individual pieces of the weapon appear to come apart and then
reconstruct. Cortana informs the Chief that this is Forerunner tech.
The weapon, dubbed the Light Rifle, is a single shot energy weapon that also has a scope function.
In the next encounter the Chief gets to try it out on some more of
the Promethean Crawlers as well as another Promethean Knight and
Watcher. In what appears to be a glimpse into new gameplay
possibilities, the Chief throws a grenade at one of the Watchers, but
instead of giving it time to throw the explosive back, he quickly
destroys the Watcher thus detonating the grenade and killing several of
the Crawlers below. He then turns his attention to two of the Crawlers
and another Knight. The Light Rifle makes quick work of the Crawlers
killing each with a single shot and after a few body shots, vaporizes
the knight with a zoomed headshot.
This Knight drops another Forerunner weapon, this one known as the
Scattershot. Functionally it appears to be a shotgun type of weapon.
Immediately after picking it up another one of the Knights comes flying
at the Chief and he easily puts it down with one blast from the
Scattershot. In the next scene we see Cortana switching the Chief's
visor to the previously dubbed "Forerunner Vision", now called
"Promethean Vision". Promethean Vision appears to be a visor mode that
has enemies show up as bright red, even through solid objects. The Chief
appears to be surrounded and the gameplay segment ends with one of the
Promethean Knights lunging at the Chief.
Next we get a series of short clips that involve a close up fight
with an Elite, the Chief standing with a group of ODST's, something that
looks like a mech, more creatures that look like Forerunner AI's, and a
Warthog driving out of a huge UNSC land vehicle. During all of this we
see Cortana talking about how she's 8 years old and how AI's begin to
deteriorate after 7. Toward the end we see an angry Cortana screaming
that she will not let someone leave the planet. The video ends with a
mysterious voice saying, "I have long dreamt of this day, Reclaimer".
And the last bit of info we can pull from today came from the short
Halo 4 Smart Glass demo, in which we are given a quick few seconds of
multplayer gameplay. But in those few seconds we can see some sort of
new launcher weapon, as well as an assassination being performed.
I'm sure we'll learn even more about Halo 4 as the week goes on and I for one can't wait to find out even more about this amazing game.
Amazing, right? The first thing that I noticed were the graphics, this is easily one of the best looking games I've ever seen. The amount of detail in the Master Chief is insane. It's hard to believe that this is running on the Reach engine, and not because I think that Reach was a bad looking game, quite the opposite. But because this game looks so much better. If the whole game looks that good then we are in for an incredibly visceral experience.
In the video we see the largest ship in the UNSC's fleet, the UNSC Infinity, being pulled into a Forerunner Dyson Sphere, or shield world. These are artificial planets created by the Forerunners to protect themselves from the effects of the Halo ring's blast. Similar to a Russian Matryoshka doll, these shield worlds are essentially planets encased in a giant shell. Once inside, the world looks like any other with natural terrain and weather.
I'm sure we'll learn even more about Halo 4 as the week goes on and I for one can't wait to find out even more about this amazing game.
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